Do you have a dental question?

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions below!

If you don’t see your question below contact us at 609-372-2210 or at
  • Bleeding gums may indicate gum disease. Gum disease can manifest as a result of both local (plaque and tartar) and systemic factors.
  • Regular professional dental cleanings, consistent oral hygiene practices, and management of external and systemic factors can greatly improve the condition of gums.
  • Spots, stains, and unwanted characteristics can be caused by multiple sources.
  • The most important step in treatment for this problem is diagnosing the source of the discoloration. 
  • Over-the-counter whitening can help for some, but not all sources of tooth stain.
  • A professional assessment is the best way to determine what treatment options are right for you.
  • Persistent bad breath can be a result of local and/or systemic factors.
  • Plaque on the tongue, food in between teeth, and dry-mouth are the major contributors to bad breath. Consider tongue cleaning, flossing, and staying hydrated. Alcohol-free mouthwash or sugar-free gum for a quick, temporary, solution.
  • Dentists rely on X-rays to see what we cannot with an intraoral clinical exam. Proper assessment of bone and hard tissues requires radiography. Early detection is our goal- xrays are prescribed in accordance to ADA recommendations in order to provide the best care.
  • Thankfully, digital technology greatly reduces the amount of radiation. Xrays are carefully calibrated so we get the data we need with minimal radiation dose. For added protection, lead aprons are used to block any potential scatter.
  • Discomfort while eating or drinking hot or cold foods is fairly common and happens for a number of reasons.
  • After assessment, it might be determined that desensitizing toothpaste and a softer toothbrush is what is best for you. There are also instances where addressing potential causes like cavities, gum recession, trauma from teeth clenching/grinding, or enamel erosion is necessary to reduce or eliminate tooth sensitivity.
  • There is no one-size-fits-all dental treatment. Some people need to visit the dentist twice a year; others may need more visits. You are a unique individual, with unique needs when it comes to keeping your smile healthy.

  • Mouthwash alone is insufficient for oral hygiene. Think of it as extra credit.
  • Flossing to remove food and plaque between teeth and under the gumline is crucial step of oral hygiene. Mouthwash should be considered for added protection after flossing and brushing.
  • Concern: Discomfort or noise when moving the jaw.
  • Jaw sounds may be normal for some, but persistent issues like worsening sounds, changes in range or motion, changes in facial appearance, and development of pain/symptoms require evaluation for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.
  • Early education of the importance of oral hygiene for children is a great place to start.
  • Understanding the importance of fluoride, and the role of a balanced diet in cavity prevention is paramount as well. Start introducing tooth brushing and flossing early to foster long-term good habits.
  • Most importantly- try to make it fun!

Remember, each patient is unique. These responses are intended to answer simple concerns but are by no means medical advice. Patient care should be tailored to their specific concerns and oral health needs. Contact the office for more information regarding dental exams for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

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