our mission

The Inspire Dental team aims to uplift the patient and provider experience at the dental office. Our ultimate goal is to provide quality, individualized comprehensive oral wellness, in a safe, state-of-the-art environment.

We aspire to empower patients to take an active role in their well-being by developing mutual trust. We believe practicing with transparency, informed consent, and empathy are the pillars of establishing and maintaining trust.

"Smiles are transferable and therefore powerful. Each day, we strive to inspire someone to smile in hopes they’ll pass it on to others." - Dr. Melanie Lee 

patient comforts

electric handpieces

for a quieter experience with less rattling

nitrous oxide sedation

settle your dental stress and anxiety with gentle sedation


no more uncomfortable
dental impressions

ear plugs

reduce the noise of your visit for increased comfort


shield your eyes from the light needed for your care

neck pillow and leg bolster

next level comfort in our already ergonomic chairs


choose your favorite music

latex-free environment

to protect any patient with allergies or sensitivities