Cosmetic Dentistry

in Chesterfield, NJ

Creating beautiful, healthy smiles

At Inspire Dental, we understand how important it is to have a smile you love. We are pleased to offer a range of cosmetic dentistry solutions to address tooth flaws and imperfections with beautifully natural results. From discoloration, spacing or crowding, and everything in between, we are here to help you achieve the smile you of your dreams.

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Our cosmetic dental treatments are tailored to your needs and preferences, ensuring you achieve the best possible results.

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Cosmetic dentistry can address a range of concerns like stained, discolored, misshapen, spaced, or otherwise not-so-perfect teeth, delivering your ideal smile.

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No more hiding your smile - we will help you achieve a smile that will make you want to smile.

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Our modern cosmetic dentistry solutions mimic nature's design, leaving you with a smile everyone will notice but won’t be quite sure why.

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Improved Oral Health
and Function

Aside from enhancing your smile’s appearance, some cosmetic restorations, like dental crowns, can improve the health and function of weak or damaged teeth.

Transforming Your Smile

Our cosmetic dentistry services address tooth flaws and imperfections, enhancing the health and appearance of your smile. Dr. Melanie Lee may recommend one or a combination of cosmetic dental procedures for a total smile makeover.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most sought-after cosmetic dentistry procedures, removing years of stains and brightening your teeth several shades in one short office visit. At Inspire Dental, we offer a range of in-office and at-home whitening solutions tailored to your unique needs.

ICON White Spot Therapy

We proudly offer ICON Treatment, a revolutionary approach to removing unsightly white spots on your teeth. The minimally invasive procedure addresses enamel discoloration without drilling or filling. It is ideal for children with early stages of decay or those with white spots from dental fluorosis, demineralization, trauma, or after orthodontic treatment with braces.

Conservative Aesthetic Bonding

Cosmetic dental bonding involves the use of a tooth-colored resin to correct minor tooth imperfections, like chipped, discolored, misshapen, or slightly misaligned teeth. Dr. Melanie Lee skillfully and artistically sculpts the bonding material to resemble your natural teeth, leaving you with a seamless smile.

Additional Cosmetic Treatments

Here is a look at some of our most popular cosmetic solutions:

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Cavity repair doesn’t have to leave you flashing a silver smile. We are pleased to offer tooth-colored composite resin fillings that are closely matched to the color and appearance of your natural teeth. Your new restoration will blend seamlessly with your smile, delivering beautifully natural results.

Cosmetic Crowns

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that restore weak or damaged teeth, enhancing their strength and function. They can also improve the shape, size, color, or overall appearance of your teeth, transforming your smile. We use high-quality materials to create restorations that mimic the appearance of your teeth, leaving you with seamless results.

Porcelain Veneers

These ultra-thin, custom-crafted porcelain shells are designed to cover the front surfaces of your teeth, masking flaws and imperfections. They are ideal for a range of concerns, like discolored, chipped, misaligned, worn, damaged, or misshapen teeth, delivering beautifully natural results. Veneers are an all-time favorite cosmetic dentistry solution for achieving a Hollywood-worthy smile.

Clear Aligner Therapy

Clear aligner therapy offers a discreet and convenient solution to align your smile without dealing with metal braces. A series of custom-made aligners will gently and gradually shift your teeth into position over time. Having straighter teeth will improve your oral health and leave you with a beautiful, confident smile.

Dentures and Partials

Dentures and partials offer a time-tested and cost-effective tooth replacement solution. Complete dentures replace complete arches of teeth, while partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain. Today's dentures are sleeker, lighter, more functional, and more natural-looking than ever before, enhancing your smile's health and function.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the gold standard for replacing missing teeth, with results second only to natural, healthy teeth. Implants provide an incredibly stable foundation to support restorations made to match your smile. Whether you are missing one, some, or all of your teeth, we have the perfect solution for you!

Additional Cosmetic Treatments

Here is a look at some of our most popular cosmetic solutions:

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Cavity repair doesn’t have to leave you flashing a silver smile. We are pleased to offer tooth-colored composite resin fillings that are closely matched to the color and appearance of your natural teeth. Your new restoration will blend seamlessly with your smile, delivering beautifully natural results.

Cosmetic Crowns

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that restore weak or damaged teeth, enhancing their strength and function. They can also improve the shape, size, color, or overall appearance of your teeth, transforming your smile. We use high-quality materials to create restorations that mimic the appearance of your teeth, leaving you with seamless results.

Porcelain Veneers

These ultra-thin, custom-crafted porcelain shells are designed to cover the front surfaces of your teeth, masking flaws and imperfections. They are ideal for a range of concerns, like discolored, chipped, misaligned, worn, damaged, or misshapen teeth, delivering beautifully natural results. Veneers are an all-time favorite cosmetic dentistry solution for achieving a Hollywood-worthy smile.

Clear Aligner Therapy

Clear aligner therapy offers a discreet and convenient solution to align your smile without dealing with metal braces. A series of custom-made aligners will gently and gradually shift your teeth into position over time. Having straighter teeth will improve your oral health and leave you with a beautiful, confident smile.

Dentures and Partials

Dentures and partials offer a time-tested and cost-effective tooth replacement solution. Complete dentures replace complete arches of teeth, while partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain. Today's dentures are sleeker, lighter, more functional, and more natural-looking than ever before, enhancing your smile's health and function.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the gold standard for replacing missing teeth, with results second only to natural, healthy teeth. Implants provide an incredibly stable foundation to support restorations made to match your smile. Whether you are missing one, some, or all of your teeth, we have the perfect solution for you!

Why Choose Inspire Dental
for Your Dental Needs?

  • We listen - you will always feel heard, respected, and valued at our practice.
  • We know each patient is different - we tailor our services to your unique needs, providing exclusive, custom care.
  • We always recommend the most conservative treatment options possible to restore healthy, beautiful smiles.
  • We are different - we never want dentistry to feel like a drag - we work tirelessly to ensure every visit is comfortable and free of stress.
  • We use cutting-edge technology and advanced equipment, including 2D and 3D digital x-rays and intra-oral cameras.
  • We offer convenient online features like appointment requests, membership plans, payments, forms, and text messaging.
  • We work hard to create a comfortable atmosphere - from OSHA compliance to comfort amenities, nitrous oxide sedation, and a patient-centered team - we strive to provide you with the best possible dental experience.

Cosmetic Dentistry
Near Me in Chesterfield, NJ

If you would like to learn more about transforming your smile, our team at Inspire Dental is here to help. Dr. Melanie will create a custom treatment plan with one or a combination of cosmetic dentistry solutions to deliver your desired results. Call us at (609) 372-2210 to schedule your appointment, or request one online today!